Athletic Forms

RIPCOA ASSUMP OF RISK FORM - REQUIRED: Assumption of Risk form must be uploaded. RIIL Assumption of Risk Form (must be completed one time in a middle school career for all athletes, notarized, and uploaded under physical documents).

RI School Physical Form -
: Physical must be uploaded to your student athlete registration: Upload a copy of your physical to your family athletic account. HOW to upload... Once you have logged into your account and arrived at your family main history page you will see a column to the right “physical”(add/edit). Either upload a PDF or photo of the physical. It must be no older than 15 months. How to upload the physical HERE.


Click the link to register for fall sports.

I FORGOT my LOGIN info? Do not create a new account, please try to request a password reset. or contact Shawn Petrucci or David Tober