The Preschool Program is currently located at 
Fishing Cove Elementary School
110 Wickford Point Road
North Kingstown, RI 02852

The goal of the North Kingstown School Department is to ensure that all children will enter kindergarten with the learning, social-emotional and behavioral skills essential for success. We are committed to promoting opportunities for development, learning and a sense of belonging for every child. The program focuses on the developmental and individual needs of young children.


Our mission is to provide young children with learning opportunities and experiences that will teach, foster, promote and nurture growth and development in the following areas:

  • Speech-language communication

  • Literacy and numeracy

  • Effective and positive behavioral responses

  • Curiosity, creativity, and exploration

  • Gross and Fine motor skills

  • Independence and self-help skills                                                    

  • Persistence and organization

Program Description

NK School Department has five preschool classrooms.  All staffed with highly-qualified Early Childhood certified teachers.

3 Year Old AM Program - Child must turn 3 years old by September 1st
Morning 9:00 to 11:25 AM - Monday thru Thursday

4 Year Old PM Program - Child must turn 4 years old by September 1st
Afternoon 12:20 to 2:55 PM - Monday thru Friday

Preschool Lottery Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now being accepted.

Preschool Lottery Application 2025-2026

An internal lottery will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025. There will not be a public meeting for the lottery. Parents will be notified of acceptance into the program or waitlist status by email no later then Friday, Marcy 14, 2025.


Tuition for the 3 year old program is $200.00 per month.

Tuition for the 4 year old program is $250.00 per month.

Tuition is due the 1st of each month. If your child qualifies for nutrition support, then your child qualifies for preschool tuition support.  You can apply online at: http://schoollunchapp.com

To pay for preschool tuition please click below:

my school bucks

Child Outreach Screenings

Child Outreach Screenings is a free service to ALL children 3-5 years old. A screening for all new incoming students is part of the registration process. To schedule an appointment to have your child screened prior to enrollment please contact: Mary Nelson, 541-6350 or Mary_Nelson@nksd.net