WMS Yearbook 2023-2024 Information

Looking to order a yearbook?

The WMS 2023-2024 yearbook is officially on sale! You can order online or using the WMS yearbook flyer. Use the link below to order your yearbook online. If you prefer a flyer, they will be sent out Monday, January 8th. Ordering will be open until. A few extra yearbooks will be ordered but given on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please email Kayla Brimlow and Dylan Thompson.

Online Orders: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/LookupJob?jobnumber=9508324

Have pictures to share and be used in the yearbook?

Starting this year, you can easily share pictures from different school events/activities to be included in the yearbook. When sharing pictures, please consider the following:

  • Uploading photos does not guarantee they will be used in the yearbook -- we will do our best to include pictures from all events but there is only so much space in the yearbook! Final determinations will be made by yearbook advisors.

  • Please carefully review images and submit only the very best ones. Photos should follow school guidelines, not infringe on any copyrights, and so on.

Please use the website below to update pictures. Any issues, please contact the yearbook advisors listed above.

Website: https://community.lifetouch.com/invite?code=WICKFORD-YEARBOOK-PICS-24